As the tropical vacation destination of everyone’s dreams, Bali, Indonesia houses world famous white sand beaches, an incredible climate, and world-famous Indonesian cuisine. Ranked as the number one island travel destination for several years and running, Bali has something for everyone – whether you’re a nature fanatic, avid hiker, or simply looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of your daily life back home on a beautiful beach resort, this guide on Bali travel essentials will ensure you have an unforgettable experience.

General International Travel Reminders For Bali

While it has amazing excursions and locations that attract tourists from all over the world, you’ll find no shortage of Indonesian culture across the island – housing hospitable locals, safe communities, and of course, amazing food. So, if you’re looking for your next vacation destination or already have a trip booked – consider some of the tips and recommendations below to ensure you spend every moment of your vacation stress-free and relaxed.

If you’ve been researching international travel tips – whether this is your first or fifteenth time traveling abroad – you’ve likely heard all the pillars of preparation from packing early to planning excursions ahead of time. If you haven’t, not to worry – now’s the time to soak up all the tried-and-true travel preparation essentials that can save you from worrying about what’s supposed to be an exciting vacation abroad.

Firstly, pack lightly – traveling abroad, from culture shock to unexpected hurdles with transportation, can be stressful at first. Having to also pull around two overweight suitcases, carry-ons, and purses will likely ruin your first day in Bali. Start packing early, research clothing essentials, and save room in your luggage for anything you might pick up on your travels. Remember, you can almost always grab something you’ve forgotten once you’re in Bali, but prepping early can save you from spending time doing that when you’re on vacation.

Next, cost-effective travel is almost always the way to go – unless you’re splurging on an exciting dinner, adventure, or last-minute impulse flight that’ll define memories of your trip. Don’t let an unexpected phone bill when you get home ruin those – research international travel eSims before leaving to ensure you’re able to easily browse the internet and connect with people back home. Free apps like USIMS provide a cost-effective, easy to navigate, and flexible way to browse internationally with specific browsing plans depending on your specific trip needs and plans. Using an eSim instead of your carrier’s traditional international plan will not only save you money, but give you freedom and flexibility to extend travel plans, boast on social media whenever you want, and call your family back home.

Lastly, do your research! From travel requirements for Bali to packing essentials to planning out your vacation days – putting in the work now to make your trip perfect will be worth it once you step off the plane. Especially considering all there is to see on the incredible island, planning ahead will save you from decision-overload when you finally check-in to your hotel or resort. Of course, don’t forget to block out time to simply rest – a vacation isn’t truly a vacation without a day to lounge on the beach, enjoy fun drinks, and relax.

Reminders For Bali Trips – From Safety To Comfort

1. Invest in a water-filtration water bottle before leaving.

If you’ve done a quick Google search of Bali travel, you’ve likely already been reminded not to drink the tap water. Health organizations often remind people to steer clear of drinking it (instead, opting for bottled water), but forget to mention things like brushing your teeth or showering. So, in addition to purchasing a filtration water bottle or investing in bottled water once you arrive, remember to also use bottles to brush your teeth and avoid opening your mouth in the shower. Debates about whether you can eat the ice are still controversial – so steer clear, to be on the safe side. Hotels or resorts will likely also be off limits when it comes to tap water, but often provide a kettle to boil water for any additional consumption, if needed.

2. Research excursions before-hand & download helpful apps.

Many Bali travelers and locals suggest downloading apps like Grab or Gojek for vacations prior to arriving. From delivering food to your doorstep after a long day to ordering an “Uber-like” taxi when you’re ready to explore the town or head to the airport – the local apps can be a lifesaver when you’re in a time-crunch.

3. Bring bathroom essentials like shampoo & conditioner with you.

Experts on Bali travel essentials and creators who boast living on the beautiful island argue bathroom essentials can be relatively “hit or miss.” If you’re already worried about tap water on your hair or maintaining your skincare routine, bringing your own products might be your best option. While basic essentials like quality lotions and moisturizers are typically easy to find once you’ve arrived, save yourself the hassle of having to make a grocery trip for more than just quick eats or bottled water.

4. Ensure you meet passport requirements and Visa regulations.

While regulations for traveling internationally into Bali are always subject to change, you’ll likely need to meet certain requirements when arriving. In addition to having a valid passport – usually with at least two open pages of room for travel – you’ll also need to ensure you have a holiday visa. While many people suggest purchasing one when you arrive at the airport, getting one prior to your vacation can save you the stress and hassle of worrying about it after you’ve already spent hours on the plane. Typically, you can apply for this visa online up to thirty days before your trip – ensuring you’re allowed into the country for your stay. In addition to basic entry requirements, do thorough research on travel expectations once you arrive in Bali – from organizing taxis to your hotel to paying the Bali tourist tax prior to touching down. While it’s often an underestimated part of international travel, researching your arrival airport and any additional steps you have to take once touching down will save you a ton of hassle later on – including any unexpected hurdles you might encounter prior to enjoying your tropical oasis vacation.

5. Spend time enjoying the food – especially from street vendors.

You simply can’t fully enjoy Bali without spending time exploring the Indonesian cuisine – specifically in Bali’s Warung and Rumah Makan. The traditional restaurants and shops are hotspots for incredible, unique, and homemade foods that many locals travel across the island to enjoy. Whether it’s a cozy restaurant or a road-side stand, take time from your trip to explore and enjoy – unlike the tap water, the incredible food will not disappoint. Remember to bring along your Bali travel essentials to ensure you have everything you need to fully enjoy your experience. Following these Bali travel essentials will help make your trip unforgettable and stress-free.